Monday, April 26, 2010

Twins are 11, . . . WOW!!!

Taryn's cute friends!!

The twins are now 11. Wow, they have grown up
so fast. I remember bringing them home (Taryn 5
days later than Trent) and being a whole family
again. They have always been buds and are lucky to
have each other. They even say so (most of the time).
Trent is doing awesome in piano and loves baseball and
basketball. Taryn loves to dance and loves school. She is
the only one that hates school vacations!!!

Boys and Pizza!!!


The Blairs said...

They were 6 when I met them for the first time in primary. How can that possibly be 5 years ago?!?!? Taryn is looking so much like her big sisters. WOW!