Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fourteen years ago today I married my best friend, and we have become even better friends since. We have had our ups and downs but mostly ups. I'm so grateful for Scott and all he puts up from me. I remember the date where I started falling for him. It was a trip up the canyon on a Sunday afternoon. It was kind of a last minute thing and all we had in our apartments were mac and cheese and pumpkin choc. chip muffins. So that's what we ate. I was just getting over a very bad relationship and was just ready to take care of myself. I'm so glad that I put down my wall and let him get to know me. I'm so glad that he is my eternal companion. He is also the father of my precious children who are my world. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving my greatest blessing which is my eternal family.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Just want to do a short post to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER . It's wierd to have Easter and St. Patricks Day all in the same week. We are thankful for our brother Jesus Christ and all he did for us and continues to do for us on a daily basis. I'm so grateful that he has given me the opportunity to have my family with for eternity. My family is my life, and I would be lost with out them.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Dance

We are all doing a Happy Dance weekend. Scott got a job. We have been out of work for about 5 months. I'm thrilled not only to have a job, but one that he is going to love. He will be working for Generations, which is a company that does genealogy. Anyone that knows Scott knows that he has a real passion for genealogy. He will love going to work each day. We have had so many blessings while he has been out of work and would like to Thank all our friends and family for all their support and love. Especially we want to Thank our Heavenly Father for helping us get through this time.

Since I am not yet used to doing this blogging thing, I have forgot to wish some people HAPPY BIRTHDAY to KOY, GRANDMA CONNIE, CHELSEY AND KADEN. I wish I had pictures of all of you to post, but just know that we love you all and wish you the best of years.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Birthday Girl

Today is our sweet Miranda's birthday. She is turning 11. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She is the peacemaker of our family. She often gives up things of her own to make others happy. She if very tender hearted and does not like to see others unhappy. She is a very beautiful girl and is almost always wearing a smile, hence her nickname; Sunshine. She came into this world smiling and we started calling her sunshine as a baby. We also called her tigger, she used to scoot or bounce on her bottom to get places and even now when she runs she spends more energy going up and down than forward. Scott and I are very proud of her and the lovely young lady she is becoming. We are so blessed to have her in our family and thank our Heavenly Father so much for letting her be a part of our lives.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Today I want to introduce our furbabies since they too are a part of our family. Our cute little shiz-tsu is named Tobey and our (Emylie's) teddy bear hamster is Jasper.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I forgot to mention earlier that I also wanted to do this so my Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law who live far away from us can keep up on our lives.

March 7;

This is my first time blogging, and I don't know quite what to say. I have read others blogs and find it fun to follow friends lives, and hope to have fun sharing ours too. I need to tell my nephew Keegan HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm excited to have this going and look forward to sharing our special times.