Monday, April 26, 2010

Em is 15. . . . . Holy Cow!!!

Wow, my baby is 15! She is leagal to go get
her driving permit. . . . but she hasn't had time to
study yet. One of these days, we will have to
take the time. . . she wants to drive so bad. I love this
picture of her. She doesn't let us take her picture
often and she is even smiling. . . . wow it does exsist. LOL.
She really does smile a lot she just doesn't let us catch it.

Twins are 11, . . . WOW!!!

Taryn's cute friends!!

The twins are now 11. Wow, they have grown up
so fast. I remember bringing them home (Taryn 5
days later than Trent) and being a whole family
again. They have always been buds and are lucky to
have each other. They even say so (most of the time).
Trent is doing awesome in piano and loves baseball and
basketball. Taryn loves to dance and loves school. She is
the only one that hates school vacations!!!

Boys and Pizza!!!

Just Playing with the Camera

I hate, hate, hate, having my picture taken,
but how can not get memories with my kids.


Colored Eggs and Baskets
what pretty pictures they make.

Gotcha Em!!

We kidnapped Emylie to get her a
new flute. She is doing so well she needed
the next step up to improve anymore!!

Awesome floutist!!

A visist with Grandma

We had a fun day visiting Grandma!!

The Jazz was on. . . . or was it BYU. . . . either
way she is their number one fan!!!

Visiting Grandma on St.Paddy's Day

Miranda's Cute Friends

Posing with the Manquins at
Old Navy. :)

Slumber Party!