Friday, April 25, 2008

Sad Times/Happy Times

On Weds. day we had a very sad day. We lost our cute little new furbaby. She decided to go back and live in Heaven. She was very sick and we did all we could, but in the end she was just too tiny to fight any longer. Emylie of course was very heart broken as were the rest of us. I know this might sound funny because she was a kitty, but she really did have such a sweet little spirit in her that touched all of us and we will miss her.

On Thursday, we went to buy one of Emy's friends a birthday present. As we passed Animal Ark, Emy asked if we could just go look. She said she didn't want to buy a new kitten yet but wanted to go look. Well, she fell in love and we took a new kitty home. His name is "Crusso" and is very adorable. He is strong and very active, but love to cuddle and purr too. I will post picutres a little later.