Thursday, March 26, 2009

I don't have a recent picture of Scott, but today is our 15th anniversary. I can't believe the time has come and gone so fast. I think of our dating time and it seems likes just yesturday, then I look at our beautiful family we have created together and just get mystified at how lucky and blessed I am. When I was dating and not finding anyone to marry at the age of 20, 22 etc. I thought I would be an old sphinster woman. My patriarchal blessing kept coming to mind that in the Lord's timetable things would happen. I am truely happy that the Lord had his time table and had is hand in having Scott and I meet. I am so blessed to have him and to have my 5 beautiful wonderful children. I don't know how I allow myself to get sad about things or frustrated with things when I have got such a wonderful blessing to be with me for eternity. Thank You Scott for loving me. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me Scott and our wonderful family.