Thursday, March 26, 2009

I don't have a recent picture of Scott, but today is our 15th anniversary. I can't believe the time has come and gone so fast. I think of our dating time and it seems likes just yesturday, then I look at our beautiful family we have created together and just get mystified at how lucky and blessed I am. When I was dating and not finding anyone to marry at the age of 20, 22 etc. I thought I would be an old sphinster woman. My patriarchal blessing kept coming to mind that in the Lord's timetable things would happen. I am truely happy that the Lord had his time table and had is hand in having Scott and I meet. I am so blessed to have him and to have my 5 beautiful wonderful children. I don't know how I allow myself to get sad about things or frustrated with things when I have got such a wonderful blessing to be with me for eternity. Thank You Scott for loving me. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me Scott and our wonderful family.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Before and After

Before . . . . . Shaggy Dog.

After . . . . Cutest Little Dog in the World.
Thanks Shauna, you do such an awesome job!!!

Taryn's Chorus

Taryn is in the Manila Magic Chorus at school. She loves to sing and I love to see her dimples when she smiles. Their director is such a neat lady and teaches them harmony, history and some pretty difficult songs. We love you Tayrn and are so glad you are taking a talent that Heavenly Father gave you and making it better.

A Day at the Park

On your mark . . . . . .

Get Set . . . .


Tight Squeeze!

A Kiss Makes it All Worth It!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Birthday Girl

My sweet Mirand is turned 12 today. I can't believe how fast time is going and how fast she is growing up. She is turning into such a sweet young lady and I'm so proud of her. She stands up for what she believes in and is a strong person. She is also a peace maker and often will give up her own things, whether time or possesions to make others happy. She is a great sister and even a better daughter. I know Heavenly Father is proud of her too and loves who she is becoming. Happy Birthday our little Sunshine Tigger.